can you put wall paper on a homasote board

Can you put wallpaper over wood paneling?. 750+ Zune HD Wallpapers! - Zune Boards
Can I wallpaper over wallpaper? - Yahoo!.
14.08.2008 · Best Answer: would not recommend paper over panelling. You can paint it to get rid of it, those grooves in the paneling will always weaken the paper with
For your convenience, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ). If you can't find your answer here, or if you have something you would like me to
Can you put new wallpaper on top of old.
Can you put wallpaper over wood paneling?.
can you put wall paper on a homasote board
Straight Dope Message Board - Powered by.07.12.2008 · Best Answer: Your best bet is to remove it, even if it's stuck directly to the drywall. Here's how: 1. Buy a scoring tool. Inexpensive and gets the job
Zune Discussions > Wallpapers these wallpapers are from zunited and ABI so all credit goes to them for converting all i can say really is WOW. I love
can you put wall paper on a homasote board
Can you put wallpaper over wood paneling?.
Can you put new wallpaper on top of old. Jokes, Games, Funny Pics, Celebrity,.
02.10.2008 · Best Answer: Providing the old paper is flat and soundly attached and is not vinyl, shiny or has a mettalic in the pattern. Yes. You'll need to start at a
31.12.2008 · Best Answer: Not really. Any paper capable of absorbing water would take in the condensation and steam. So it needs to be waterproof. A dollop of PVA in
Can you use any type of wallpaper in a. : An Entertainment Forum where you will find Jokes, Funny Pics, Celebrity Gossips, Videos, Games, Celebrity Wallpapers, Greetings, Presentations, Stories
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