Download scriptrunner ibatis example
Filename: scriptrunner ibatis exampleDаtе: 10.08.2012
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By: heiwanpo

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java - how to configure log4j for Mybatis.
Installing the iBATIS Data Mapper framework is simply a matter of placing the appropriate JAR files on the classpath. This can either be the classpath specified at
scriptrunner ibatis example
java - how to configure log4j for Mybatis.scriptrunner ibatis example
For Example eG Summary Example
java - iBatis get executed sql - Stack.
I encountered a similar problem. The following code helped me (i've used it in the mybatis class configuration): org.apache.ibatis.logging.LogFactory.useLog4JLogging();
Ibatis -
Is there any way where I can get the executed query of iBatis? I want to reuse the query for an UNION query. For example: <sqlMap namespace="userSQLMap"> <select id .