Hartford, ct taxi receipt

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An omnivorous couple's perspective on all things om-nomable in lower Fairfield County, CT. (by Dan and Kristien Del Ferraro)
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Glastonbury Hotel | Maps & Directions |.
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Hartford Hotel | Maps & Directions |.
Directions from the Hotel Staff. Coming from Hartford Take 91 North exit 38/Poquonock Ave at the bottom of the exit take a right, go under the overpass and stay in
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Topic galleries provide easy access to stories and photos about people, places, organizations, events and subjects of interest to you. They bring together rich
OmNomCT | An omnivorous couple's.
Windsor Hotel | Maps & Directions |.
Topic Galleries -- chicagotribune.com.
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Click Here if you need a Receipt. Who is TaxiPass? TaxiPass is an innovative company offering and introducing cashless payment solutions to travel providers nationwide.